Why does every entrepreneur need coaching?

William Dixon
2 min readNov 30, 2020

Here is some of the stuff that I got from coaching which helped me in my career.

1 — Clarity and Focus is increased

Sometimes I was just too involved, too close, and could not see the wood for the trees. I know many of you would also be facing the same issue. Actually having to explain your obstacles to your coach helped increase my understanding also. It was slow at first, but the more questions coach asked, the more, I realized I was busy but not necessarily productive. I lacked focus and didn’t fully understand some, but now with my increased understanding of the situation, I could focus on what was important.

2 — Accountability is increased
It’s so easy to make excuses to yourself to get out of doing things that you know you should do, or persuade yourself that if we let it slip to next week, it will be okay. Having a coach can as a liability partner helps to make us keep our commitments, because when we think about making those excuses to our coach we can hear how weak they are., which then negates them.

3 — Confidence is increased
My negative self-esteemed was one of the biggest inhibitors to my success. It’s so easy to see all of the problems, the pitfalls, and reasons why failure awaits us, so much so that it can actually stop us from even trying.
Good coaches will help you see the bigger picture, help you put in place a plan or strategy that will help build confidence.

4 — Better Ideas
It can be difficult to know whether an idea is good or bad, madness or genius, and talking them through can help us to understand better which of those categories and ideas might end up. I had discounted many good ideas because I had either talked myself out of it or decided that a lesser idea would be a better option. Ideas need to be let out as this helps to improve them or to realize that there are better solutions available.

5 — Better Decision Making
We all have our prejudices, preconceived notions, or beliefs about people or situations that can actually be detrimental to our performance and decision making, by clouding our judgment.
An unbiased view is really important for your decision making, someone who can help us differentiate reality from perception will help us to see things as they really are and help us make better choices.
I have realized that you can read all the books you want, attend training courses, seminars, and conferences but the real progress comes when you have a coach, as they can help you improve focus, build your confidence, help shape your ideas and give you a different perspective which we all need from time to time.

