Top 5 Crypto Podcasts!

William Dixon
2 min readMar 15, 2021

As most of us know, the blockchain and cryptocurrency space developing at hyper-speed. Most books are outdated as soon as they hit the shelves and traditional education is years behind in this particular space. And so, the best way to keep up to date (or to get started) with bitcoin, blockchain, and crypto, is to find a podcast that you enjoy. But with so much content out there, how do you know what to invest your time into? To help make the choice easier, here are some of my recommendations.

The following are 5 of the most latest and recommended crypto podcasts today:

1. Forkast News

Forkast has been at the forefront of this dynamic since day one. We grew out of a recognition that technology must be covered beyond cryptocurrency price moves and understanding code or engineering — it should be covered in context, and by its impact.

Forkast brings you stories and analysis on emerging technology at the intersection of business, economy, and politics. Our mission is to help you understand Asia’s role in this global story of technology innovation.

Check out their latest Podcasts here:

2. Crypto Campfire Podcast

Hosted by Mitch and The Prefessor, Crypto Campfire takes a laid-back approach to the crypto space, discussing topics ranging from “Adoption in the Philippines,” to “The 4th Industrial Revolution” in a relaxed “campfire” setting. As Mitch or the Prefesser might say, crack a beer, sit back, and enjoy.

3. Crypto Entrepreneurs

Hosted by Charles The ETH, the Crypto Entrepreneurs Podcast focuses on how to build businesses in the crypto and blockchain industry. Take a listen to one of his recent interviews with Loma on “Getting into the Minds of Successful Crypto Traders.”

4. The Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast

The Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast is the brainchild of Trace Mayer. Mayer is an early Bitcoin adopter, an investor in Kraken and Armory, and helped organize the first Bitcoin conference in 2013. The podcast holds interviews with names like Caitlin Long, Saifedean Ammous, and Jameson Lopp.

5. Off the Chain

Anthony Pompliano is one of the most popular names in crypto. If you’re looking for some great content to get a feel for his ideals, check out his debate with Peter Schiff, or his discussion of tokenization on CNBC. Pomp’s podcast covers interviews with Wall Street investors and big names in the crypto space alike. Take a listen to his interview with ShapeShift Founder and CEO, Erik Voorhees.

